Amazing Features

Build Your Own Experience

Upload your child’s favorite activity and have party-goers contribute to that experience. Museum memberships, Disney Add-Ons, Cooking classes, Camping, there are endless possibilities.

Shop Around

Can’t decide what your child would want as an experience for their birthday? What are other Kidsperience users gifting? Check out the Market Place for suggestions.

Party Manager

Be the host of your kids party and manage who to invite, what type of budget is needed and select or create an experience for everyone to help contribute to.

About Us

We had the most beautiful baby boy in 2017. And then ALL the STUFF came into our lives. People loved to buy this little guy ALL the things. Our 3 bedroom condo was filling up fast, and he would outgrow toys so quickly; we looked like toy hoarders! I always believed in experiences, we made it a point to go out and do things every single weekend. Then I started following the mama tribes, and there were A LOT of mommy’s out there who felt the same way and didn’t know how to politely ask for no gifts.

Of course you need to give a child a GIFT!

But instead, STOP the clutter, go out and do something fun! It was then that Kidsperience was born!

Available on the
iOS App Store
Available on the
Google Store

Giving the gift of smiles and memories that will last forever.

Manage ALL your parties and children in one easy to use APP. You don’t’ have to leave your home, go to the store, wrap a present it is that easy! The Birthday Child can open their gift virtually in a fun animation the day of the party, and everyone who helped buy that experience is on the card!


Why should I use this app?

- Put smiles on kids faces

- Get out and explore the world

- Gift FUN memories

- Let kids explore

- Have more experiences

- Influence positive relationships


Download today for FREE and start making memories together with the whole family!

Get in touch!